Virtual Gastric Band Hypnotherapy Weight Loss

Virtual Gastric Band

All the gain without the pain.

I paid £10,500 for my gastric surgery. I wish I had known about the power of hypnotherapy then.

I had gastric surgery in 2015, and went on to lose 10 stone over two years. I had been overweight most of my adult life and was obese for 10 years. Being overweight restricted my life and impacted severely on my health; I had very high blood pressure, and my surgeon could not believe I wasn't diabetic.

So I know what if feels like to be overweight and all the physical and emotional problems it causes. I feel so much better now — although I am £10,000 poorer.

There are always risks involved with surgery, but these are amplified if you are overweight. It is difficult following surgery as you cannot eat solid food for weeks. You cannot eat and drink with your friends, family or partner at meals, and life feels very limited for a while. There are also unpleasant side effects with gastric surgery, which I am happy to talk about in person.

The Virtual Gastric Band is a four session course, with two free additional sessions and a complimentary Audio Motivational Meditation. You will have my help and support every step of the way.

You have nothing to lose but weight. Please contact me if you want to lose weight and have the life you really want.

Don't wait as long as I did. I can help you lose weight now.

free no obligation quotation

Click here to contact Sue today to arrange a free no obligation consultation.